* Online psychosomatic Level 1 training days (Module 1-9) for those interested in personal development. You will receive a Statement of Attendance and tools to utilise in your daily practice. This is a great introduction also for those using Psychosomatics professionally with the possibility of attaining half of your accreditation in advance of your face-to-face training. This would require case studies and assignments to be completed.

** Face to Face Training, following on from the Level 1 online training with certification, on satisfactory completion of case studies, assignments and reflective learning within 6-12 months.

*** Face to Face Psychosomatic Training 10 days plus 2 clinic days only. This is for those interested in personal development. You will receive a Statement of Attendance and tools to utilise in your daily practice.

**** Face to Face Psychosomatic Training with certification, on satisfactory completion of case studies, assignments and reflective learning within 6-12 months.

The Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course, whether Online or Face to Face, is a pathway towards gaining a Certificate in Psychosomatic Therapy issued by the Psychosomatic Therapy College (RTO No. 31117). Additional requirements include case studies, reflective learning, additional studies and at the completion of the case studies, you will complete a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) application, where you will be asked to provide evidence of your knowledge and skills from your Psychosomatic Training.

Course Overview

Your face and body are the record of your history. You will learn to read this history, reveal the barriers and natural protection methods your body has learnt from earlier years, uncover the experiences which have shaped you, and gain therapeutic tools needed to make changes and to aid in your transformation.

The Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course commences with 10 face-to-face training days which will teach you to understand your bodies’ communication, providing information around the root causes of any disharmony that may exist.

Why you should learn Psychosomatic Therapy:

  • Understand what others are really communicating to you
  • Identify core issues of disharmony in the Mind-Body Connection
  • Improve relationships between yourself and others by seeing how their attitudes have been developed and shaped
  • Learn how to consider your communication style of delivery by understanding how others receive and process information, which greatly enhances all relationships
  • Reduce stress in your life
  • Develop confidence to overcome personal fears
  • Enable the skill of compassion, rather than take things personally
  • Gain life tools that can be immediately implemented into your daily practices to live a more balanced and happy life
  • Become involved with a network of like-minded individuals wanting to make the world a better place

Why THERAPISTS will find Psychosomatic Therapy helpful:

  • As you transform yourself through the Psychosomatic Process, you simultaneously practice therapeutic applications to empower your clients toward new levels of healing and change
  • Become an expert in your field through advanced communication & analysis skills
  • Learn to integrate intuition with innovative systems designed to decode the messages of the Body-Mind
  • Support your clients, family, and community in their conscious evolution toward holistic health
  • Achieve greater results and receive word-of-mouth referrals through genuine connection with clients
  • Identify core issues quickly through reading the habitual patterns and responses in the body
  • Acquire tools and resources to immediately utilise with your clients
  • Become involved with a network of like-minded individuals

Click here to read more about Psychosomatic Therapy

Course Outline

What you will learn:

Module 1

Psychosomatics, the New Paradigm of Thinking

Module 1 is an introduction to the Psychosomatic Process. On this day, you will discover the intricate nature of the body mind connection and begin your immersion into your personal Psychosomatic journey.

You will learn:

  • Universal energetics of the body mind
  • The evolution of psychosomatics
  • Masculine & feminine dynamics
  • Practical application skills – assessment and diagnostic tools
  • Interrelated nature of your body’s energetic system
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 1: introduces key principles & practices for understanding the mind-body connection
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 2: Face Reading & Analysis learn about face shapes, features, chakras, & more
Module 2

Face Reading & Analysis – The Portrait of Your Life

Understand how the structure of your face reveals your inner architecture. Each unique curve, line, and contour paint the portrait of who you are, the life you’ve lived, and the potential of who you can become.

In relationships with others, face reading is an invaluable skill. At a glance, understand how a person thinks, expresses themselves, and navigates through life.

You will learn:

  • Face shapes
  • Facial features
  • Chakra system of the face
  • Understand the masculine & feminine qualities and attitudes
  • Receive your first ‘Face Split’ photograph, which reveals the balance of feminine and masculine energies working through your life
  • Conduct and receive a full Psychosomatic Face Analysis
Module 3

Theory Behind Body Mind Analysis – The Blueprint of the Soul

(*** Plus 2 Face to Face – 2 Days of practical application)

We now move to exploring the entire body. Here, you learn to systematically assess the quality, shape, and structure of the body’s individual parts and how they relate to a person’s Emotional Anatomy.

This embodied wisdom of the Body Mind Analysis empowers you to transform the pieces of yourself that ache for expression, attention, and more love.

You will learn:

  • How emotions get stored in the body
  • How to identify what emotions are stored in the body
  • Identify fight, flight, freeze and faun responses
  • Understand how the size, texture, tone, density, temperature, and tissue quality of individual body parts provide information on your history and how you and others have related to life experiences
  • Interpreting themes you see in the body
  • Conduct and receive a Body Mind Analysis
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 3: Theory behind body mind analysis, your entire body as a map to your emotions
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 4: Soul Connection of the Feet learn how to read & analyse your feet's wisdom
Module 4

Soul Connection of the Feet

Your feet ground you as you move through life. They reflect the basic fundamentals of who you are and how you support yourself. The strength and structure of your foundation determines your standing in the world.

Aligning your feet is the first step toward moving through life with more grace, confidence, and ease. Stand firm in who you are, unshakeable in the wisdom that you have everything you need to support yourself and create an extraordinary life.

You will learn:

  • Reconnection with your roots
  • Foot points and their meaning
  • The individual toes and their meaning
  • Psychosomatics of movement – standing and walking
  • Chakras in the Feet
  • Imbalances in the tissue or structure
  • Conduct and receive a foot analysis
Module 5

Language of the Hands

The hands are an extension of your heart.

Our hands equip us with the means to caress and embrace the ones we love. With our hands, we create beautiful art and music. We prepare and serve food to nourish our families. We express passion, anger, excitement, and boundaries. With our hands we receive, we push away, we pick up, we let go. Our hands represent our capacity to give and receive love.

In this module, you will experience an intimate exploration of the Language of your Hands.

You will learn:

  • Psychosomatic gestures….handshakes, hand language and hugs
  • Hand shapes and their meaning
  • The individual fingers, the digits and their meaning
  • Your priorities of expression
  • Chakras in the hands
  • Imbalances in the tissue or structure
  • Conduct and receive a hand analysis
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 5: Language of the Hands learn how to read & analyse what your hands reveal
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 6: Consultation & Client History learn how to conduct a detailed consultation
Module 6

Consultation and Client History

You will learn:

  • How to take a detailed client history
  • Extract information which provides insights into the behaviours and attitudes which have shaped your client’s perceptions and influenced their physical form
  • Bring unconscious patterns to the conscious mind
Module 7

Numerology in the Body

As you become aware of the challenges which present in the body, you cannot escape the fact the changes will also show up in your personal numerology.

Numerology is a tool which can be utilised with clients, so they can understand their soul’s blueprint and the desire to experience lessons in life where they can grow.

You will learn:

  • How to calculate your client’s Personality and Soul Numbers
  • The gifts and challenges of the numbers
  • How to relate the numbers to your client’s body
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 7: Numerology in the Body learn to use Numerology as a tool for understanding
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 8: Emotional Anatomy & Archetypes learning to read universal language of the body
Module 8

Emotional Anatomy & Archetypes

Emotional Anatomy equips you with the universal language of the body. Your body is the vessel of your pure energetic consciousness. As such, it is the most accurate indicator of a person’s energetic flow and spiritual alignment. In BodyMind Analysis you have experienced how your own energetic and physical form demonstrates deeply embedded attitudes and behavioral patterning developed throughout your life. This will assist you in identifying themes that your client may present with, whether it be issues with boundaries, sense of responsibility or sense of despair.

You will learn:

  • How to identify and recognise how people with similar body shapes can carry similar response patterns
  • How to identify patterns of each archetype
  • Recognize patterns through your client’s language, the hidden survival archetypes
  • Identify what your client’s body requires to make lasting changes
  • Identify your personal archetypes and how this is serving you
Module 9

Trigger Point Release (Face to Face training only)***

Memories are held in the cellular tissues. Explore how to release stored or trapped emotions by guiding your client’s awareness to their body tensions. Learning bodywork trigger point release techniques will be an introduction to a new modality for client sessions and self-care practice.

Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 9: Trigger Point Release learn how to use bodywork trigger point release techniques
Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 10: The Emotional Component to Psychosomatic Dis-Eases what are you not listening to
Module 10

The Emotional Component to Psychosomatic Dis-Eases

In Psychosomatics we ask you to consider the emotional component of physical conditions, ailments and dis-ease in your body. What is your body communicating with you, and what are you not listening to. You will gain a new perspective of the energetics of pain, mental and emotional imbalances, chronic disorders, and degenerative diseases in the BodyMind.

You will learn:

  • How to ask your client questions relating directly to the suppressed emotions which are common to specific conditions
  • Body systems and their function and role within the body
  • Client’s case histories and body maps identifying regions of the body affected by the presenting condition.
  • Develop communication skills for bodymind practitioners
Module 11

Skills into Action (Face to Face training only)***

3 face to face days working with clients supported by a supervised setting. Everything you have learnt to this point will be delivered through a variety of consultation settings. You will be supported whilst you conduct a full Body Mind Analysis, referring to your client’s history, body tensions and illness to develop a psychosomatic assessment and recommendations.

Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course Module 11: Skills into Action conduct a full Body Mind Analysis

Face to Face

$3,000 – $8,800

Modules 1 – 11
12-day Face to Face
8.30am – 6.30pm or as required
Full Certification process 6-12 months
Course manual & materials provided

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$4,200 – $5,900**

Modules 1 – 9, Module 5 – theory only
LIVE interactive online Zoom classes
Start your Psychosomatic journey
Course manual & materials provided
** Certification in Face, Hands, Feet

More details

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Upcoming Courses

Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course – Online (Beginning February 2025)

Online • 15 February 2025 • AU$4,200 • Check timezone

  • Australia: February 15-16, March 22-23, April 19-20, May 17-18, June 7-8, 2025
  • USA: February 14-15, March 21-22, April 18-19, May 16-17, June 6-7, 2025
  • 6-1/2 hour per day x (2 days per month x 5 months)
  • $4,200 training days only $5,900 with Certification Process

Psychosomatic Therapy Training Course – Sydney, NSW (Beginning 3 March 2025)

Sydney, NSW • 3 March 2025 • AU$3,000

  • Location: SYDNEY NSW
  • Level 1: Psychosomatic Practitioner Training: 3-8 March (Monday- Saturday)
  • Level 2: Psychosomatic Practitioner Training: 10-13 (Monday-Thursday)
  • Day 15-16 Clinic Days (Saturday-Sunday)
  • 8.30am-6.00pm AEST
  • LEVEL ONE ONLY: $3,000, LEVEL 1 & 2: $6,000, FULL CERTIFICATION: $8,800

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