When The Body Speaks Through Your Feet

Your Sole Connection

The feet are much like a foundation of your HOME (your body is your home).

As we observe your feet, we look at

  • How wide your feet are apart (are you taking up more space often seen when you feel the need to present larger than life, or narrowing your stance indicating your subconscious desire not to be seen).
  • Our balance starts at our feet and if there is an imbalance it will create a feeling of lack of support, which directly affects our stability and our confidence.
  • Your feet direct your body postural alignment
  • Weight distribution of each leg
  • How your feet connect to the ground

By changing your foot point to be straight, even your weight distribution and check the distance of your feet apart so that they are aligned to your hips, your body will feel more supported.   This is the start to psychosomatic awareness and being able to feel “what is my body conveying to me”.

To the trained eye, we recognise the feet speak more than you would first think.  You may notice if you are at a party and observe a person keen to leave.  Their feet will often change positions and start to point to the exit.  When we in two minds and wanting to be somewhere different, we see the foot point starting to move out.  What is the direction you are travelling in, is it a direction you want to go?

Psychosomatic training is a full body experience, starting with you FEET and your soul having a human experience in the physical form.

If you would like to experience “Feet Reading” yourself and learn what your body is communicating through your feet, please click here for a Psychosomatic Therapy Consultation.  You can also learn these skills in our Psychosomatic courses and Workshops.

About Linda Thackray

Linda Thackray is a renowned Face Reading and Psychosomatic Therapy expert. She has been an active registered Teacher of the Psychosomatic Therapy College since 2012. With over a decade of specialised experience in this field, Linda brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. Her background in crisis counselling, combined with her deep understanding of face and body interpretation, and human behaviour, has made her a pivotal educator and mentor in her field. Internationally recognised, she extends her knowledge through consultations, teaching, and mentoring both in Australia and globally, continually advancing the practice of psychosomatic therapy.